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Related topics are listed below.

Project Transaction Date

Data Model » Dimension Tables » Date Related Dimensions » Project Transaction Date

Summary Date of project transactions; the date the work was performed. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Organization administration > Setup > Calendars > Date dimensions Legacy data model’s data entities PMBI_deProjTransDate New data model’s data…

Project Transaction Type

Data Model » Dimension Tables » Posting Related Dimensions » Project Transaction Type

Summary Type of transaction recorded against a project. Hour, Expense, Item, On-account or Fee. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project management and accounting > Transactions > Posted project transactions > View (Button tab) > Transaction type (Field) Legacy data…

Project Transaction Status

Data Model » Dimension Tables » Posting Related Dimensions » Project Transaction Status

Summary Project Transaction Status is an dimension which enables slice and dice of the data based on transaction status. This is a Projects360 feature. Legacy data model’s data entities PMBI_DEPROJTRANSSTATUS New data model’s data…


Data Model » Fact Tables » Actual

Summary Transactions that have been recorded against the project, such as time or expenses. Actual is synonymous with “posted”. This table shares common themes as General ledger transactions, but is specific to the Project subledger. Dynamics 365 Menu…

Actual Sales

Data Model » Fact Tables » Actual Sales

Summary Sales amounts recorded against the project in the currency of the Project contract. Used for project level reporting in project currency. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project management and accounting > Inquiries and reports > Transactions inquiries > Hour >…

Transaction Group

Data Model » Dimension Tables » Posting Related Dimensions » Transaction Group

Summary Reporting category for amounts (Revenue, Labor, Expense, etc). This is a Projects360 feature. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project management and accounting > Projects360 BI Setup > Transaction group Project management and accounting > Transactions > Posted…

Date Financial

Data Model » Dimension Tables » Date Related Dimensions » Date Financial

Summary Date transaction was posted to the General ledger. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) General ledger > Ledger setup > Fiscal calendars Legacy data model’s data entities PMBI_deDateFinancial New data model’s data…


Data Model » Dimension Tables » Attribute Related Dimensions » Project

Summary The core entity in the project module. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project management and accounting > Projects > All projects Legacy data model’s data entities PMBI_deProject New data model’s data…

Customer Transaction Settlement

Data Model » Fact Tables » Customer Transaction Settlement

Summary Customer Transaction settlement fact consist of settled transaction related information of customer. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Accounts receivable > Customers > All customers > Transactions > View settlements New data model’s data…

Date Related Dimensions

Data Model » Dimension Tables » Date Related Dimensions

Date Financial Project Transaction Date Project Transaction Date Actual Project Transaction Date Budget Project Transaction Date Time Sheet Project Transaction Date Utilization Target Effective Date Grace Period

Project Portfolio

Report Guide » aec360 BI content pack » Project Portfolio

Project Portfolio is based on the aec360 BI data model. The report provides an overview of all the Projects assigned to the user. From the Project Name, users can expand details to see metrics for agreements under that Project. Project information such as Contract…

Project Details

Report Guide » aec360 BI content pack » Project Details

This Report Provides of the detailed information of the selected Project navigated from project Portfolio. This Reports consists of below mentioned tabs, Project at a Glance This will give the overall view of the selected project, this section is divided into two…

Project Category

Data Model » Dimension Tables » Attribute Related Dimensions » Project Category

Summary Project categories represent the types of costs or revenues defined for your organization. Each category is associated with a category group. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project management and accounting > Setup > Categories > Project categories Legacy…

Project Invoice

Data Model » Dimension Tables » Attribute Related Dimensions » Project Invoice

Summary An invoice sent to a customer. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project management and accounting > Project invoices > Project invoices Legacy data model’s data entities PMBI_deProjectInvoice New data model’s data…

Project Invoice

Data Model » Fact Tables » Project Invoice

Summary Amount billed to the customer including taxes and charges. Invoiced amounts are also included in actuals, but do not include Invoice currency and tax details. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project management and accounting > Project invoices > Project…

Project Role

Data Model » Dimension Tables » Resource Related Dimensions » Project Role

Summary Role the worker played on a project (or default role as fall back). Recorded at an Hours transaction level. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project management and accounting > Setup > Resources > Setup roles Project management and accounting > Inquiries and…

Project Controller

Data Model » Dimension Tables » Resource Related Dimensions » Project Controller

Summary A project controller can be defined on each project. Dimension contains attributes of the worker applied. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project management and accounting > Projects > All projects (Edit) > Project controller (Field) Legacy data model’s…

Project Manager

Data Model » Dimension Tables » Resource Related Dimensions » Project Manager

Summary A project manager can be defined on each project. Dimension contains attributes of the worker applied. This dimension also represents Billing approver for Invoice related Fact tables. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project management and accounting > Projects >…

Project Manager Report

Report Guide » aec360 BI content pack » Project Manager Report

Project Manager Report aec360 Project Manager Report is the report created to back Practice manager dashboard. This Report consist of Key KPIs and Project related information which helps to see and understand project performance. Covers all project related KPIs like…

Project Manager Dashboard

Report Guide » aec360 BI content pack » Project Manager Dashboard

Project Manager Dashboard aec360 Project Manager dashboard consists of key KPIs of Project like contract value, Revenue, Backlog, Work in Progress ,Gross profit percentage, AR outstanding amount, days for outstanding payment,Active projects and utilization and…

projects360 Project Portfolio

Report Guide » projects360 BI content pack » projects360 Project Portfolio

Project Portfolio is based on the projects360 BI data model. The report provides an overview of all the Projects assigned to the user. From the Project Name, users can expand details to see metrics for agreements under that Project. Project information such as…

Project Funding Source

Data Model » Dimension Tables » Attribute Related Dimensions » Project Funding Source

Summary Customer(s) or Business unit(s) who are funding the project. Funding sources are a more complicated representation of the customer dimension, as some projects can be funded by multiple customers. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project management and accounting…

projects360 Project status Report

Report Guide » projects360 BI content pack » projects360 Project status Report

This Report Provides of the detailed information of the selected Project navigated from project Portfolio. This Reports consists of below mentioned tabs, Project Metrics This will give the overall view of the selected project, this consist of month on month trend on…

Project Manager Workspace Configuration for Power BI

Report Guide » Project Manager Workspace Configuration for Power BI

Configure integration • This functionality requires a one-time configuration of your environment. An Azure Portal administrator must do this step to enable Microsoft Power BI to communicate and authenticate correctly. • You must also be a system…

Fact Tables

Data Model » Fact Tables

Fact tables provide the (usually) additive values that act as independent variables by which dimensional attributes are analyzed. In case of projects360, Fact tables are transactions tables from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations, where numerical figures…


F&O Configurations » Business Intelligence Tool » Configure

*Before grouping the reporting transactions based on parameters, the grouping parameters need to be defined. This section details how to configure the grouping parameters. Parameter Setup On projects360 parameters, new parameter is placed based on which the…

Table Relationships

Data Model » Table Relationships

Dimensions Actual Actual Sales AR Aging Budget Budget Sales Committed Cost Customer PO General Ledger Project Invoice Time Sheet Utilization Target Resourcing Contract Agreement SubContract Agreement…

Inquire Utilization Data

F&O Configurations » Business Intelligence Tool » Inquire Utilization Data

*This section explains how the transaction data is inquired and verified based on the grouping parameters defined in the previous section. Utilization Inquiry Once the grouping parameters are defined, post the various projects transaction types such as hours, fees,…

Posting Related Dimensions

Data Model » Dimension Tables » Posting Related Dimensions

Financial Dimension Exchange Rate Main Account Posting Type Project Transaction Type Transaction Group Utilization Type

Resourcing Report

Report Guide » aec360 BI content pack » Resourcing Report

Resourcing content pack provides the details of the resource hours on the assigned project. Resourcing content pack consisting the following tabs Resourcing at a Glance: This will have the overall view of the resource such as Total estimated hours, Estimated…

projects360 Resourcing Report

Report Guide » projects360 BI content pack » projects360 Resourcing Report

Resourcing content pack provides the details of the resource hours on the assigned project. Resourcing content pack consisting the following tabs Resourcing at a Glance: This will have the overall view of the resource such as Total estimated hours, Estimated…

Posting Type

Data Model » Dimension Tables » Posting Related Dimensions » Posting Type

Summary Type of posting profile used when recording the transaction. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project management and accounting > Transactions > Posted project transactions > View (Button tab) > View ledger updates (Button) > Posting type (Field) General ledger…

Budget Sales

Data Model » Fact Tables » Budget Sales

Summary Budgeted sales amount expected against the project. There are many Forecast models in the budget table, each with their own unique characteristics. Measures written against this fact table are specific to a forecast model. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project…


Data Model » Dimension Tables » Resource Related Dimensions » Resource

Summary Resource (worker) associated to a given transaction. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project management and accounting > Project resources > Resources list Legacy data model’s data entities PMBI_deResource New data model’s data…


Data Model » Fact Tables » Timesheet

Summary Timesheets (specifically unposted time) is a form of Committed costs. This fact is generally used to report unposted time, but can also be used to compare the original timesheet to the final actual posting including adjustments. Dynamics 365 Menu…

Target update

F&O Configurations » Business Intelligence Tool » Target update

*Once the grouping parameters are configured and transactions are posted, the target transactions can be updated by running a target update for a resource and for all resource of current legal entity through periodic batch. This sections details out the process to…

Table Relationships2

Data Model » Table Relationships » Table Relationships2

Dimensions Actual Actual Sales AR Aging Budget Budget Sales Committed Cost Customer PO General Ledger Project Invoice Time Sheet Utilization Target Resourcing Contract Agreement SubContract Agreement…

What’s New in Version 10.0.26

What’s New in Version 10.0.26

aec360 Project Portfolio Report aec360 Project Portfolio report has been included with new ‘Remaining to bill’ measure which shows the pending amount to be billed against each project. aec360 General Ledger Report aec360 General Ledger report has been…

Resource Related Dimensions

Data Model » Dimension Tables » Resource Related Dimensions

Resource Project Role Project Controller Project Manager Sales Manager

Attribute Related Dimensions

Data Model » Dimension Tables » Attribute Related Dimensions

Activity Project Category Customer Customer PO Data Area Project Funding Source Project Project Invoice Work Location Line Property Sales Currency Vendor Contract Contract Agreement Dimension

AR Aging

Data Model » Fact Tables » AR Aging

Summary Project based accounts receivable invoices that haven’t been paid. This is a Projects360 feature and the underlying data is controlled by a periodic (batch) process. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project Management and accounting > Projects360 > Accounts…


Data Model » Fact Tables » Budget

Summary Estimated amounts and quantities expected against the project. There are many Forecast models in the budget table, each with their own unique characteristics. Measures written against this fact table are specific to a forecast model. Dynamics 365 Menu…

Customer PO

Data Model » Fact Tables » Customer PO

Summary Customer that is associated to the funding source of a project for client projects, or the customer field on the project for Internal projects. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project management and accounting > Projects > Project contracts (Edit) > PO List…

SubContract Agreement

Data Model » Fact Tables » SubContract Agreement

Summary Sub-Contractors Agreement consist of Account wise vendor, project details associated with the Contract. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project management and accounting > Projects > All projects > SubContract management Project management and accounting >…

Expected Row Count Mismatch

Technical Guide » Table Based Entity Creation Best Practices » Expected Row Count Mismatch

View Result Comments ProjectController Row count mismatch is expected Included a NOT EXISTS statement to filter out workers that are not controllers on any project ProjectManager Row count mismatch is expected …

Customer PO

Data Model » Dimension Tables » Attribute Related Dimensions » Customer PO

Summary A tracking mechanism for the authorized spend on a project. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project management and accounting > Projects > Project contracts (Edit) > PO List (FastTab) Legacy data model’s data entities PMBI_deCustomerPO New data…

Contract Agreement Dimension

Data Model » Dimension Tables » Attribute Related Dimensions » Contract Agreement Dimension

Summary Contract Agreement Dimension consists of Contract Agreement details of Labor, Subcontractor which will helps to track Reimbursables expenses with respect to Contract agreed value/amount. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project management and accounting >…

Utilization Type

Data Model » Dimension Tables » Posting Related Dimensions » Utilization Type

Summary Reporting category for utilization (Utilized, not-utilized, etc.). This is a Projects360 feature. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project management and accounting > Projects360 BI Setup > Utilization type Project management and accounting > Transactions >…

Contract Agreement

Data Model » Fact Tables » Contract Agreement

Summary Contract Management Fact consists of Contract Agreement wise details like Labor, Subcontractor, Reimbursables expenses with respect to Contract agreed value/amount. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project management and accounting > Projects > All projects >…

Report Guide

Report Guide

This section of documentation list out all the PowerBI reports available out of the box in the projects360 pack. These reports cater to various aspects of business and give us better view of the day to day business processes. These reports also provides us the…


Data Model » Dimension Tables » Attribute Related Dimensions » Activity

Summary Work breakdown structure (WBS) task for a project. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project management and accounting > Projects > All projects > Plan (Button tab) > Work breakdown structure (Button) Project management and accounting > Projects > All projects >…

What’s New in Version 10.0.22

What’s New in Version 10.0.26 » What’s New in Version 10.0.22

projects360 Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable report has been included in projects360 BI Content pack. Accounts Receivable is based on the projects360 BI data model. The report provides an overview of Current and past payment dues from the customers. First tab…

Customer Transactions

Data Model » Fact Tables » Customer Transactions

Summary Customer Transactions fact consist of Transaction related information of the customers Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Accounts receivable > Customers > All customers > Transactions New data model’s data…


Data Model » Dimension Tables » Attribute Related Dimensions » Customer

Summary Customer that is associated to the funding source of a project for client projects, or the Customer field on the project for Internal projects. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Accounts receivable > Customers > All customers Legacy data model’s data…


Data Model » Dimension Tables » Attribute Related Dimensions » Contract

Summary The core entity in the project module which provides contact details. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project management and accounting > Projects > Projects Contract New data model’s data…

Business Intelligence Tool

F&O Configurations » Business Intelligence Tool

Business Intelligence Tool provides the setup for the all the reporting data, where the efficiency, billability of an employee and accumulated result at the project level can be tracked. The utilization can be controlled per project, per category, and per posting…

projects360 Contract Details

Report Guide » projects360 BI content pack » projects360 Contract Details

This Report Provides of the detailed information of the selected Contract navigated from projects360 Contract Portfolio. This Reports consists of below mentioned tabs, Contract at a Glance This provides users with an overview of a specific contract’s health using…

Accounts Receivable

Report Guide » aec360 BI content pack » Accounts Receivable

Receivables at a Glance Accounts Receivable is based on the aec360 BI data model. The report provides an overview of Current and past payment dues from the customers. First tab ‘Receivables at a Glance’ provides the information of Balances (Beginning and…

projects360 Accounts Receivable

Report Guide » projects360 BI content pack » projects360 Accounts Receivable

Receivables at a Glance Accounts Receivable is based on the projects360 BI data model. The report provides an overview of Current and past payment dues from the customers. First tab ‘Receivables at a Glance’ provides the information of Balances (Beginning…

Contract Details

Report Guide » aec360 BI content pack » Contract Details

This Report Provides of the detailed information of the selected Contract navigated from Contract Portfolio. This Reports consists of below mentioned tabs, Contract at a Glance This provides users with an overview of a specific contract’s health using metrics and…

Sales Manager

Data Model » Dimension Tables » Resource Related Dimensions » Sales Manager

Summary A sales manager can be defined on each project. Dimension contains attributes of the worker applied. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project management and accounting > Projects > All projects (Edit) > Sales manager (Field) Legacy data model’s data…

Timesheet Dimension

Data Model » Dimension Tables » Posting Related Dimensions » Timesheet Dimension

Summary It contains timesheet entries for resources Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project management and accounting > Timesheets> All Timesheets Project management and accounting > Timesheets> MyTimesheets Legacy data model’s data entities PMBI_deTimesheet…

Earned Value Management

Report Guide » aec360 BI content pack » Earned Value Management

Earned Value Management aec360 Earned Value Management Report consist of two tabs one with detailed view of Projects by currency which has Contract value, Contract hours,Revenue,Houre, Completed and estimated percent for revenue and hours. Here user will have…


Data Model » Fact Tables » Resourcing

Summary Resourcing is a measure of resource booked against a project and hour forecasts of resources in an organization. This fact table is at a detailed level to simplify resource booking and utilization reporting over any time period. Resourcing is a projects360 …

Contract Management

Report Guide » aec360 BI content pack » Contract Management

Contract Management Contract Management consists of Contract Agreement wise details like Labor, Subcontractor, Reimbursables and Expenses with respect to Contract agreed value/amount. Here user can also see the status of the contract whether it is approved/rejected…

What’s New in Version 10.0.20

What’s New in Version 10.0.26 » What’s New in Version 10.0.20

aec360 Accounts Receivable Aec360 Accounts Receivable report has been included with new tabs (‘DSO Summary’ and ‘DSO All Customers’) for DSO and 1 tab to show Collection details. DSO Summary consist of Ratios calculated for one, three and 6 months by…

Line Property

Data Model » Dimension Tables » Attribute Related Dimensions » Line Property

Summary Line property of the selected record. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project management and accounting > Setup > Line properties > Line properties Legacy data model’s data entities PMBI_deLineProperty New data model’s data…

Work Location

Data Model » Dimension Tables » Attribute Related Dimensions » Work Location

Summary Geographic location where work took place. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project management and accounting > Projects360 Setup > Work location Legacy data model’s data entities PMBI_deWorkLocation New data model’s data…

Financial Dimension

Data Model » Dimension Tables » Posting Related Dimensions » Financial Dimension

Summary Combination of financial dimensions that project transactions are posted to. Same dimensions as those recorded in the General ledger. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) General ledger > Chart of accounts > Dimensions > Financial dimensions New data model’s…


Report Guide » aec360 BI content pack » Utilization

The report provides an overview of Resource utilization within the organization. This Report is targeted audience are Project manager which helps them to have the trend on billable hours and employee utilization.This give the historical trend by hierarchal level…


Data Model » Dimension Tables » Attribute Related Dimensions » Vendor

Summary The vendor associated with a project expense. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Accounts payable > Vendors > All vendors Legacy data model’s data entities PMBI_deVendor New data model’s data…

projects360 Utilization

Report Guide » projects360 BI content pack » projects360 Utilization

The report provides an overview of Resource utilization within the organization. This Report is targeted audience are Project manager which helps them to have the trend on billable hours and employee utilization.This give the historical trend by hierarchal level…

Committed Cost

Data Model » Fact Tables » Committed Cost

Summary Committed means an obligation has been made requiring a future cash outlay. Most commonly, Committed costs are recorded through a purchase order. Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s) Project Management and accounting > Inquiries and reports > Committed costs…


Data Model » Dimension Tables » Date Related Dimensions » EffectiveDate

Summary Date of transactions; the effective date the work was performed. This table supports below KPIs in Account receivable Report. Beginning balance Payments Invoices Ending balance. Data model’s table

Utilization Target

Data Model » Fact Tables » Utilization Target

Summary Utilization targets are a measure of expected working and productive hours by worker by day. This fact table is at a detailed level to simplify utilization reporting over any time period. Utilization targets are a Projects360 feature that rely on setting up…

projects360 General Ledger Analysis

Report Guide » projects360 BI content pack » projects360 General Ledger Analysis

General ledger analysis report consists of details such as Opening balance, debits, credits, net change and closing balance of Main account. This report can be used by account managers to check and update the accounts correctly. Here user can drill through for…

General Ledger Analysis

Report Guide » aec360 BI content pack » General Ledger Analysis

General ledger analysis report consists of details such as Opening balance, debits, credits, net change and closing balance of Main account. This report can be used by account managers to check and update the accounts correctly. Here user can drill through for…

BI Terms

BI Terms

At the beginning of any new BI projects it can be challenging to get everyone using common terminology and language. This list is intended bridge the gap for technical and non-technical members of the project. Using common terminology and language helps to have more…

Create Azure SQL DB

Technical Guide » Azure SQL Databases (BYOD) » Create Azure SQL DB

In order to create an Azure SQL Database, several resources need to be created beforehand. Some of these can be created during the database creation stage, but this document will show them individually, although the steps are generally the same. The items required…