Timesheets (specifically unposted time) is a form of Committed costs. This fact is generally used to report unposted time, but can also be used to compare the original timesheet to the final actual posting including adjustments.
Dynamics 365 Menu Item(s)
- Project management and accounting > Timesheets > All timesheets
Legacy data model’s data entities
- PMBI_deFACTTimesheet
- PMBI_deFACTTimesheetv2
New data model’s data entities
- PMBI_TSTimeSheetTransEntity
- PMBI_TSTimesheetLineWeekEntity
- PMBI_TSTimesheetTableEntity
- PMBI_TSTimesheetLineEntity
- PMBI_ProjTableEntity
- FNBI_HcmWorkerEntity
- FNBI_LedgerEntity
- PMBI_EnumsTableEntity
- PMBI_ProjEmplTransEntity
- PMBI_PMIPUtilizationTypeTransEntity
- FNBI_SqlDictionaryEntity
- PMBI_ProjInvoiceTable
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