Receivables at a Glance

Accounts Receivable is based on the aec360 BI data model. The report provides an overview of Current and past payment dues from the customers. First tab ‘Receivables at a Glance’ provides the information of Balances (Beginning and Ending), Payments, Invoices for any selected week. It also consists of Top 10 payments and Top 10 dues by customers.

Here user has facility to navigate to F&O to update/modify the Customer and Collection in the forms accordingly.

Aging Bucket Days to Pay Trend

The audience for this report is a Key Accounts manager. ‘Aging Bucket Days to Pay Trend’ consists of trend on past due by week and by month. It also has details of History vs Current pay by customer.

Traditional Aging

This tab consists of details of customer aging by project. Aging bucket like current, 1-30 days, 31-60 days,61-90 days and so on.

Receivable Net Changes

In this tab user can see customer wise Balance, Invoices , payments , past due and average days to pay based on the selection made using date slicer.


In this tab user can see customer payments along with past due and balance based on the selection made using date slicer.

DSO Summary

DSO Summary consist of Ratios calculated for one, three and 6 months by customer. We have Key KPI’s of Open Balance, Total sales and Average days of payment pending.

DSO All Customers

This tab represents DSO and Sales metrics by customer, here the user can also slice the data based on Company, Customer, Customer Group, and Business unit and Vendor.

Collections Trend

Collection Trend tab consist of Collections made per month, here user can see the collection details of any selected customer/customer group for desired year.


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